Education Outreach

Phillip Fabian – Education Outreach Coordinator


Phillip was born in San Angelo but moved soon after to England (oh, the life of a military brat), where he spent almost six years of his life. He then moved to San Antonio and remained there for the rest of grade school. He attended the University of Texas at Austin to receive his B.S. in Biology (how many students here have that degree?) and then came straight to UT Southwestern for medical school. While at UT Austin, Phillip was a tutor on campus and loved it so much that he decided to join the AVID Committee during his first year as a medical student. As a second year medical student, he still loves helping younger students learn new information, and he still has no idea what he wants to go into as far as specialties go (plenty of time to worry about that later!). In his free time, Phillip likes to read, swim, play sports and spend his post-test weekends sleeping in and catching up on all the TV shows he missed while studying. He is looking forward to helping with United to Serve this year and making it the best health fair yet! 

Colin Purmal – Education Outreach Coordinator


Colin Purmal is a second year medical student at the University of Texas Southwestern. He graduated from the University of Texas at Austin in fall 2010 with a B.S. in Microbiology. His wide range of interests include basic research, imaging, and community health. During his first year, he was on the AVID committee and helped design lesson plans for use at TJ Rusk. He currently runs the United to Serve AVID classroom presentations with Jeremy Stubblefield, and Phillip Fabian, and is also helping run the Health Awareness Program this year.