
Eric L Gustafson – Technology Chair
Eric Gustafson Pic

Eric L Gustafson is a second-year medical student at UT Southwestern and a graduate of Washington University in Saint Louis.  He is currently working part-time as an Technology Assistant at Clement’s University Hospital, but in the past he has worked as a neurophysiologist, as a computer programmer, and as an actor.



Mark Kittisopikul – Data Support Specialist

kittisopikul_mark_croppedMark is a Postdoctoral Researcher in the Lab of Khuloud Jaqaman in the Department of Biophysics. While primarily calling Chicago, IL, his home city, and Dallas as his home away from home, Mark has lived in San Antonio, TX, Wiesbaden, Germany, Great Falls, VA, and Escondido, CA. Attending the University of Chicago, Mark graduated with degrees in Biological Chemistry and Mathematics. He earned his Ph.D. in the lab of Gurol Suel while studying at both UT Southwestern and the University of California San Diego studying microbial systems biology. While he now examines the intricacies of cellular nucleus by using computational techniques to analyze images from super-resolution light microscopes during the day, he enjoys spending time with his wife and cats at home. To keep in touch with friends, Mark occasionally dabbles in a bit of Starcraft II and otherwise enjoys strategy or simulation games. Mark also volunteers as co-Chair of the Postdoctoral Association Standards Committee at UT Southwestern and as Treasurer of Emanuel Community Center in East Dallas. After several years of participating in United to Serve, Mark now serves as a Data Scientist for the health fair with the goal of streamlining data collection and making the most of the results.