Senior Advisors

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Romero Santiago – Health Fair Screening Advisor

Romero, a second-generation Sri Lankan, was born in Gainesville, FL and moved to Houston, TX, as a four-year old. Romero graduated as valedictorian of his high school class, and then went on to the University of Pennsylvania for his undergraduate studies, graduating summa cum laude with a major in Economics and a minor in Music. Through his time at UPenn, he was fortunate to have the opportunity to work with underprivileged children in the West Philadelphia community through the founding of an organization called Penn Fitness for Life, where he educated schoolchildren about nutrition and interacted with them in fun games and various sports. Through this experience, Romero was able to confirm that medicine was his calling, as he enjoyed interacting with each of the children on a one-on-one basis, getting to know them. Furthermore, during the summer after his sophomore year, he was able to do a research project with the Leonard Davis Institute of Health Economics at UPenn, which cemented his passion to merge his interest in health care policy with medicine.
As a current third year MD/MPH student, Romero is very interested in pursuing a career in Primary Care, hoping to integrate public health, preventive medicine and music (as an ardent cellist, pianist, and vocalist) into his future career. Romero enjoys spending time with his family as well as playing table tennis and basketball, in addition to being a Sri Lankan cricket fan. All in all, Romero is very excited to have the opportunity to be on the United to Serve team again this year as the Health Fair Screening Advisor and hopes to further educate the community about the importance of prevention and empower society to make personal choices to enhance their well-being.

Shanup Dalal – Health Fair Advisor

Now this is a story all about how my life got flipped-turned upside down. And I’d like to take a minute just sitting right there to tell you how I became the prince of a school called Southwestern. In West Sugar Land born and raised, in the classrooms was where I spent most of my days. Chillin’ out, studyin’, relaxin’ all cool. And shooting some bball outside the school. When a couple of nerds who were made up to no good, started making trouble in the science lab. I got in one little argument and my mom got scared said you’re going to move your studies to medical school.
In all seriousness, UTSW has become home and United to Serve has become one of the most rewarding experiences I have ever had. I have had the pleasure of working with remarkable people these past 3 years, and it saddens me to be leaving next year for residency! However, I know United to Serve will continue to change the lives of many people!

Audrey Stevens – Health Fair Advisor

11154931_10153267694044287_8787608031148935365_oAudrey Stevens grew up in Stafford, Virginia with her parents and two older siblings. She followed in her father’s footsteps and attended Clemson University. There she acquired a taste for all things Clemson, Carolina barbeque, and sweet South Carolina peaches (Georgia peaches aren’t even a real thing). Somewhere along the way she got lost and ended up in the great state of Texas for medical school. Her first two years she fell in love with United to Serve working as a booth coordinator and Health Fair Chair. She’s now navigating her way through third year trying to figure out what she wants be when she grows up while helping out as one of the Health Fair Advisors.




  Ashley Yoder – Volunteer Committee Advisor

Ashley is a third year Medical student from the Kansas Citphotoy area. She has lived all over the midwest and attended the University of Iowa for undergrad where she earned her Bachelor’s degree in Microbiology. Last year for United to Serve she was one of the volunteer coordinators for the event and during her first year at UTSW, she was a booth coordinator for the BMI booth in the Health Fair. She is very excited to continue to working with the volunteer recruitment team for this amazing event hosted by UTSW!






Andrew Pansick – Registration Committee Advisor

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