Donations and Prizes
Jeffery Okonye – Donations and Prizes Chair
Jeffrey began his life becoming the coolest person to have ever done service in Houston, Texas. He graduated from the University of Texas at Dallas where he received a B.S. degree in Neuroscience. There he also received his ability to eat food at an alarming rate, unmatched in the Tri-state area. Other than eating, Jeffrey’s hobbies include sleeping, playing Tic-Tac-Toe and living life to the fullest. When he is not helping the community or studying, Jeffrey loves to mimic Michael Jordan on the basketball court, hang out with his many friends, and watch numerous YouTube videos until his laptop battery is drained. As chair of the Prize and Donations Committee Jeffrey is looking forward to doing great things this year at United to Serve.
Chen Yin – Donations and Prizes Assistant Chair