
Leadership Team

Romero Santiago – Event DirectorRomero Santiago Pic

Romero, a second-generation Sri Lankan, grew up in the Greater Houston Area, having gone to the University of Pennsylvania for his undergraduate studies in Economics, minoring in Music. Through his time at UPenn, he was fortunate to have the opportunity to work with underprivileged children in the West Philadelphia community through the founding of an organization called Penn Fitness for Life, where he educated schoolchildren about nutrition and interacted with them in fun games and various sports.

As a current fourth year MD/MPH student, Romero is pursuing a career in Family Medicine, aspiring to integrate public health, preventive medicine and music (as an ardent cellist, pianist, and vocalist) into his future career. Romero enjoys spending time with his family as well as playing table tennis and basketball, in addition to being a Sri Lankan cricket fan. All in all, Romero is very excited to have the opportunity to be on the United to Serve team again this year as one of the Event Directors and hopes to further educate the community about the importance of prevention and empower society to make personal choices to enhance their well-being.


Audrey Stevens – Event DirectorAudrey Stevens Pic

Audrey Stevens grew up in Stafford, Virginia with her parents and two older siblings. She followed in her father’s footsteps and attended Clemson University. There she acquired a taste for all things Clemson, Carolina barbeque, and sweet South Carolina peaches (Georgia peaches aren’t even a real thing). Somewhere along the way she got lost and ended up in the great state of Texas for medical school. Her first two years she fell in love with United to Serve working as a booth coordinator and Health Fair Chair. She’s now navigating her way through fourth year trying to figure out what she wants be when she grows up while helping out as one of the Health Fair Advisors.



 Eric L Gustafson – Technology Advisor

Eric Gustafson PicEric is a third year medical student applying in Ophthalmology.  He handles the technology needs of the fair.   Something doesn’t work?  He can fix it.






Suzette Smith – Administrative DirectorIMG_4744

Suzi is the glue that holds this event together! She coordinates with UT Southwestern officials, TJ Rusk, and all the committees that make United to Serve a success!





 Nora Gimpel, MD – Medical Director

gimpel_nora.jpegAssistant Professor of Family and Community Medicine, is the Chief of the Division of Community Medicine in the Department of Family Medicine at UT Southwestern. Dr. Gimpel is a family physician originally from Argentina with significant experience teaching evidence-based medicine, working with underserved communities, and teaching and performing community-based participatory research.
Dr Gimpel is the Director of the Community Action Research Track (CART), Community Health Fellowship Program (CHFP), Community Action Research Experience (CARE) and Community Medicine Fellowship. Those programs are part of the community action research training pipeline developed at the Division of Community Medicine in the Department of Family and Community Medicine. She has developed very strong collaborative relationships throughout the academic and surrounding Dallas community. More than thirty community partners have participated in service learning opportunities with UTSW medical students, residents and fellows.
Dr Gimpel has served a Medical Director of United to Serve since 2007 and also serves as a co-Medical Director at North Dallas Shared Ministries, a community clinic for the underserved.